Analysis for the Democratic National Convention

Women of the DNC
What did people say on social media about the four prominent Democratic women (Harris, Warren, Clinton and Pelosi) who spoke on night 3 of the DNC? Was it their policy ideas, leadership, background?

DNC Coverage: Healthcare
The first two nights of the DNC have reflected a balancing act of sorts for the Biden campaign: can he win crossover Republican votes without losing the progressive left who were decidedly not in his camp during the Democratic presidential primary? Read our analysis on the first two nights of the DNC and our deeper dive on the topic of healthcare.

DNC Coverage: Climate Change
Here’s another topic of conversation as we head into the DNC: climate change. Although not going so far as to endorse the Green New Deal, Biden’s plan was a notable shift to the left from the plan he had proposed during the primaries. Learn more about our analysis on climate change as we look at the Elecurator issue tracker and survey results from a nationally representative sample of Americans.

DNC Coverage: Racial Equality
We kick off our DNC coverage with one of the issues (among the 25 we’ve tracked) that has garnered the most sustained attention on social media: racial equality. Throughout the year, calls to address racism and racial disparities in policing, education and healthcare have been frequently referenced in tweets about Biden, the Democratic Party and/or the 2020 presidential election. Read on to learn more about how our issue tracker picked up a renewed focus for racial justice this summer and leading into the DNC.

DNC Coverage: Biden/Sanders Unity
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders will take the stage to make the case that former vice president Joseph Biden should be the next president of the United States. No doubt Sanders and Biden disagreed on several key issues during the primaries. If Biden’s proposed plans shifted somewhat in Sanders’ direction, what about his campaign rhetoric? Do we see any evidence that Biden is trying to woo the progressive left? Our analysis covers this and more.